Several counties in the Sunshine State have opened investigations regarding whether or not convicted felons cast votes during the 2020 presidential election, according to a report from Breitbart News.
As countless reports of election fraud and irregularities in counties around the U.S. continue to stack up, this newest series of investigations in Florida will look at whether or not dozens of ineligible voters cast ballots in 2020. According to a report from Politico, this information was learned thanks to complaints filed by a Gainesville database researcher.
The researcher, Mark Glaeser, dug into the voter database and compared the names against lists of convicted sex offenders, the report revealed.
Interestingly, this move to investigate the status of felons voting in Florida counties, which is illegal, comes on the heels of the Florida Senate advancing a bill that will create an “Office of Election Crimes and Security,” the first of its kind in the country, as previously reported by RSBN.
Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., addressed the bill, which is expected to pass the House and head to his desk to be signed into law: “To ensure that elections are conducted in accordance with the rule of law, I have proposed an election integrity unit whose sole focus will be the enforcement of Florida’s election laws. This will facilitate the faithful enforcement of election laws and will provide Floridians with the confidence that their vote will count.”
According to Breitbart, possible illegal voters have been identified in Alachua, Gadsden, Duval, Leon, and Lake counties. Further, Politico shared an official statement from Mallory Morgan, the spokesperson for Secretary of State Laurel Lee, regarding the discrepancies and investigations underway.
“As such, it is quite possible that some individuals who voted in the 2020 General Election had not satisfied all legal financial obligations or were otherwise ineligible under the parameters of the restoration of voting rights framework,” Morgan said.
For many Americans, it is no surprise that potential fraud is being uncovered in Florida. Amid the mountainous evidence of fraud that has become evident since 2020, it seems that no county or state has remained unaffected or untouched by reports of election fraud and irregularities. Most voters are likely relieved to know that dubious election activity is being brought to light in the Sunshine State.