Cruz rips Biden’s ‘train wreck’ administration

by Timothy Frudd

Photo: Alamy

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, criticized Joe Biden’s primetime gun control address to the nation Thursday night, explaining that Biden’s speech is symptomatic of his “train wreck” presidency.

Cruz told Fox News, “Just about everybody agrees he’s doing a terrible job. Just about everybody agrees this is a train wreck.”

Under Joe Biden, illegal immigration continues to increase at unprecedented levels, gasoline and diesel prices skyrocket, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens international relations.

Despite the effects of the Biden administration’s disastrous policies, Cruz said, “He’s not willing to change. He’s not willing to change course.” The senator added, “This speech tonight, once again he chose to double down on hard-Left divisive politics.”

Biden’s speech was prompted by the recent mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas. As the Supreme Court prepares to release a major ruling on the Second Amendment, Democrat lawmakers are pushing for stricter gun control laws and regulations.

However, Republicans have argued that taking away the rights of law-abiding American gun owners will not prevent mass shootings from occurring.

Discussing the recent shootings, Cruz explained that he visited members of law enforcement, the family members of the victims, and local officials right after the horrible school shooting in Uvalde. He told Sean Hannity on Fox News, “What happened in Texas is horrific. And anyone with any heartbeat is horrified that 19 little boys and girls were murdered, that two teachers were murdered.” 

While Cruz shared Biden’s concern for defending the lives of the innocent, he pointed out that the Democrats’ agenda does not accomplish this purpose.

“What does Joe Biden and the Democrats do? They don’t come back and say, ‘Let’s unite behind law enforcement to stop criminals, to keep our kids safe.’ Nope. They immediately demagogue and say the solution is to take away your weapons, to disarm law-abiding citizens,” said the Texas senator.

As Cruz mentioned in a statement on Twitter, “Joe Biden has unified America: just about everybody agrees he’s doing a terrible job.”

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