Kari Lake’s newest election integrity battle

by Hailey Gomez

Photo: Alamy

Former Arizona GOP candidate Kari Lake appealed the second dismissal of her lawsuit this past weekend regarding Maricopa County’s election integrity.

The appeal shared by the Save Arizona Fund claims that the evidence provided “strongly suggests” that county officials “intentionally sabotaged the 2022 General Election.”

“New evidence produced by Maricopa County (“Maricopa”) strongly suggests that Maricopa officials intentionally sabotaged the 2022 General Election, then gave false testimony attempting to cover up their misconduct,” the appeal stated

With the help of her attorney Bryan Blehm, Lake filed the 61-page appeal with the Arizona Court of Appeals highlighting the county’s alleged intentional failure to conduct proper logic and accuracy testing, inaccurate ballot signature verification, and false testimony regarding ballot-on-demand misprints. 

According to the appeal, logic and accuracy testing was conducted by the county during October 2022 multiple times on all “446 vote-center tabulators.” Noted as an alleged unlawful act, the testing led to 260 of the vote-center tabulators “rejecting ballots with the same tabulator error codes that occurred on Election Day.”

However, following the tabulator test run, the appeal notes that Maricopa officials allegedly admitted “seven months after the fact.” During October 2022, the appeal claims that officials had swapped out memory cards and the election software originally installed on the 446 tabulators but never retested “as required under A.R.S.§16-449.”

The appeal also claims that signature-review training material and spaces provided to review were merely “a show” because it was never actually required by the county. In reality, a “vast majority” of the signature verification workers had allegedly “worked remotely, out of sight, even at home.”

The brief further revealed that according to the county’s computer logs, signature verification workers had allegedly compared and approved over 275,000 signatures for consistency at “humanly impossible speeds.”

“Over 275,000 voter signatures on ballot affidavits were purportedly “compared” for consistency with the same voters’ signatures on registration records…in less than three seconds per signature comparison, with 70,000 in less than two seconds per signature comparison,” the appeal stated.

The county’s Co-Director of Elections Scott Jarrett was also highlighted in the appeal as he had allegedly given false testimony regarding the “causes and extent” of Election Day problems that had occurred, noting ballot-on-demand issues. 

“Under Lake’s new evidence, the intentionality inferred from the evidence strongly suggests Maricopa engineered the Election Day harm to that cohort of voters, which implicates the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses,” the appeal concluded.

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