Rep. MTG calls out ‘act of treason’ with Mayorkas Senate trial on the horizon

by Grace Saldana

Photo: Alamy

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., takes no prisoners when it comes to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s dereliction of duty at the southern border.

Blasting Mayorkas on Tuesday, the congresswoman accused him of working “with dark money NGOs to finance the illegal alien invasion of America.”

Not mincing words, she wrote, “This is an act of treason.”

Urging the Senate to convict Mayorkas, Greene said, “The House already impeached Mayorkas, but Chuck Schumer must hold the trial to REMOVE him from office.” She continued, “Mayorkas should not serve in our government.”

On Tuesday morning, Speaker Johnson sent the House’s articles of impeachment against Mayorkas to the U.S. Senate, which would force a trial, AP reported.

AP added that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., likely has the votes to quickly end the trial. However, the Senate’s proceedings will not begin until Wednesday, the outlet reported.

Mayorkas faces two articles of impeachment on the basis that he has “willfully and systematically” refused to enforce existing U.S. immigration law. The articles also allege that he breached public trust by lying to Congress about the security of the border, per AP.

Earlier this year, Washington Examiner reported that over 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since Biden was inaugurated in 2021. Some of these immigrants have committed vicious crimes against innocent American citizens, like 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley. Others have taken the American government for a free ride with paid-for hotels and flights.

Among what seems like countless examples of Mayorkas’ failure to secure the wide-open southern border, the DHS secretary also faces scrutiny for hiding information related to “criminal illegal aliens.” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, asked, “Who are the people that he’s covering for?”

With the possibility that Mayorkas escapes conviction and removal from office, President Trump has vowed to secure the border and save America nonetheless when he is elected the 47th President of the United States.

“With your vote, I will seal the border, I will stop the invasion, I will end the carnage, bloodshed, and killing, and we will crush the human traffickers!” Trump declared during a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, this month.

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