“The worship service proceeded routinely until a female reverend, reportedly Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde took the podium and delivered what can only be described as a political hit job aimed directly at the President of the United States – a shockingly disrespectful display in what should have been a traditionally non-partisan sermon,” wrote Summer Lane of RSBN.
Summer Lane was correct in pointing out the disregard for the president’s office and the departure from Christian principles and teachings.
Budde used her national stage and prominence as a high-ranking clergy member to push far-left ideas and political initiatives from the pulpit.
While it’s true that clergy members are fallen humans who sin daily like anyone else, there has to be a balance between the pulpit and political matters. More importantly, there has to be respect for the office of the presidency.
But more troubling is Budde’s arguments and criticism of President Donald Trump hold no weight in biblical Christianity. Drawing a parallel to the Israelites’ past as foreigners (Exodus 22:21), many argue that Christians should treat all immigrants with respect, regardless of legal status. Many misinterpret this verse.
First, the Scriptures teach Christians to always show gentleness and love to everyone (their neighbor). Yet, the act of being an illegal immigrant is a violation of the law, as highlighted in Romans 13, where it is explained that God ordains governmental laws.
Americans must follow the laws of the land, and every citizen should be required to, especially when the laws don’t jeopardize biblical principles. Enforcing immigration laws doesn’t deviate from Scripture.
Also, within the sermon was a plea to protect the LGBT community, including those transitioning to another gender. There is no biblical basis nor argument from traditional church practices that support the transitioning of genders. The Bible reveals that both men and women are made in God’s image. Humanity has fallen and doesn’t get to play the Creator’s role in society.
Trump has championed freedom and protection for all races, genders and people of different faiths.
Sadly, the scolding performed by Budde was disrespectful and had no biblical backbone. The bishop also mentioned several other faiths in her prayer, insinuating an everyday god was at the foundation of all. Christians know well that there is one God, Jesus Christ, and following Him is what separates believers from all other religions.
The ungraciousness that Trump received from the church is what biblical Christians often face daily. If one adheres to the Bible and biblical teachings, they are usually labeled as fanatics or legalists. The fact that Trump received the same lectures and scoldings as many others shows that he is doing something right.
Trump’s firm response against this sermon exemplifies the need to be cautious of non-scriptural stances. The fact that a prominent figure from a historic church is willing to attack the President of the United States in front of him, there’s no telling what liberal Christianity is willing to do to traditional believers.