Sunday Devotional: How does prayer impact Providence?

by David Crum

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Christians should pray regularly, following the example of great biblical figures such as Daniel and David. The Psalms teach this, noting that David prayed in the morning, afternoon, and evening (Psalm 55:17).

Whether petitions, thanksgiving, or soul-seeking guidance, regular prayers and contact with God are necessary for building a more personal reliance and relationship with the Lord. After all, we are lost creatures desperately needing God’s grace.

Jesus also emphasized the importance of prayer, with His example of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6) and even noted the necessity to seek God’s will in life, “And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9).

Of course, our will is not always God’s will. While we can seek petitions, it doesn’t mean they are automatically accepted, and they also must meet the Scripture test of biblical faithfulness. Puritan John Flavel highlighted this:

When you have prayed for guidance and you find providence agrees with your own conscience and the best light you can find in the Bible, you may take it as an encouragement to go on in the way indicated. But if providence seems to favour anything which would be going against a rule of Scripture, you cannot go that way.[1]

Like all aspects of life, prayer must align with biblical teachings, be Christ-centered, and adhere to God’s will. Today, we hold God’s Word, which shapes us to be in a great position of understanding. The Scriptures maintain all that is necessary for salvation. We are not saved by works or good deeds but by being faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. As such, our prayers must align with the Lord and His teachings.

As Christians, we trust God and not man. This is why living in the Scriptures and aligning our prayers with God’s standards is so important. Flavel commented further, “If providence alone is used as the rule to guide us, then wicked man who sins successfully could claim to be guided by God… Study the Word more and the affairs of the world less… Pray for the light, beg the Lord to guide you.”[2]

Prayers and our general understanding of the world must always be focused on the Word of God. When our desires conflict with God’s Word, our will and pursuit of truth are not united with the Lord.

Christians are called to constantly pray and seek God’s blessings in every aspect of life. Likewise, believers must know God’s standards and seek never to contradict His teachings. The Bible explains that God never changes (Malachi 3:6). Yet, being fallen creatures, we experience various levels of spiritual maturity, and most importantly, we sin while God is perfect.  

Follow God’s Word and prayers, and most certainly, His will shall be fulfilled. “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible'” (Matthew 19:26).

[1] John Flavel, Grace Essentials: God Willing Divine Conduct or the Mystery of Providence, (London: Grace Publications Trust, 2019), 56.

[2] Ibid.

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