Trump is OWNING every key state he needs to win the 2024 presidential primary

by Summer Lane

Photo: Alamy

President Donald Trump is the man in the arena when it comes to 2024 presidential primary and general election polling, the newest data from national and state pollsters has revealed.

Ahead of an anticipated visit to Summerville, South Carolina, on Monday, the president is polling at all-time highs in the Palmetto State, capturing a whopping 28-point lead in the Republican primary against runner-up and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

The president is also leading by leaps and bounds in another key battleground state. A Sept. 17-19 survey from Fabrizio, Lee & Associates found that President Trump had won 45 percent of Iowa caucus-goers’ vote, gaining an additional point of support since August.

Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., came in a distant second with 15 percent of support, losing three points, while third-place candidate Nikki Haley gained three points and netted 13 percent.

The president also foreshadows a powerful victory next year in New Hampshire, with a UNH Survey Center poll demonstrating Trump’s 26-point lead over Republican presidential candidate and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.

In their poll, Ramaswamy gained eight points since July, while DeSantis lost a whopping 13 points, falling to a beleaguered fifth place with just 10 percent of support in the Granite State.

President Trump is also on track to win the great states of Texas and California in the primary. CWS Research found that the 45th president was leading by a staggering 51 points in the Lone Star State. Texas is second only to California in the number of delegates up for grabs in the primary election.

In the Golden State, Trump is leading strongly over all other Republican candidates, as a recent poll from UC Berkeley demonstrated that 55 percent of California GOP voters would vote for Trump in the 2024 presidential primary. Their poll showed the president gaining four points in the general election poll against Biden since February.

Nationwide, President Trump is easily maintaining his superior lead over the rest of the field, netting 59 percent of Republican primary voters’ support in the latest Morning Consult survey tracking the GOP presidential primary.

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