Trump pumps fist after guilty verdict, MAGA goes WILD in NYC

by Summer Lane

Photo: Alamy

President Trump headed back to his famed Trump Tower following a shocking guilty verdict from a jury in New York City on Thursday, following weeks of tense courtroom proceedings in the infamous hush money case.

Trump emerged from the courtroom shortly after the verdict was rendered and pumped his fist for the crowd of supporters waiting outside, stirring up patriotism among those gathered.

Shortly following that special interaction with the crowd, the president headed to Trump Tower. He later emerged from his motorcade with his security detail and entourage in tow, stopping to wave and pump his fist yet again to a huge crowd of New Yorkers gathered outside his building.

Footage from Trump Senior Advisor Dan Scavino highlighted that powerful moment:

Per RSBN, Trump was found guilty on 34 counts related to the alleged falsification of business records, and his sentencing has been scheduled for July 11 – just days before the Republican National Convention is set to kick off. The president is set to formally accept the Republican presidential nomination during the convention.

After Thursday’s trial came to a close, President Trump told the media that the entire case was a “disgrace” and noted that the legal system was “rigged.”

He said, “I’m fighting for our country. I’m fighting for our Constitution.”

The president later added, “We have a country that’s in big trouble but this was a rigged decision right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case – never. And we will fight for our constitution, this is long from over.”

RSBN reported this week that Trump’s WinRed donation website crashed on Thursday evening due to a massive flood of eager grassroots donors from across the nation. The president easily fundraised millions of dollars in the wake of the guilty verdict. Official campaign fundraising numbers have not yet been released.

Watch LIVE coverage of President Trump’s anticipated post-verdict remarks from New York City in Trump Tower on Thursday, May 31, 2024, starting at 10:00 a.m. ET on RSBN.

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