Photo: Alamy
President Trump took to his social media early Wednesday morning to condemn the FBI for not letting his attorneys “anywhere” near the raid of Mar-a-Lago.
“The FBI and others from the federal government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at,” said Trump.
The “unannounced raid” commenced on Monday while the 45th president was in New York. According to a source that contacted Fox News, the warrant for the plunder is related to the “National Archives and Records Administration effort to collect records,” that Trump supposedly had in his possession.
However, Trump attorney Christina Bobb, told RSBN’s Brian Glenn that “there are no crimes here [Mar-a-Lago].” Bobb, a resident of Florida, responded to the scene in Palm Beach after being notified of the FBI’s arrival. Additionally, “no president has ever been prosecuted for something that they’ve removed from the White House on their way out of office,” she said.
Undoubtedly, the FBI’s demand for “everyone to leave the premises” raises questions of integrity during a time when the national trust in our government institutions is low.
“They are trying to shield what they’re doing,” said Bobb.
For these reasons, President Trump stated, “they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, planting.” Conversely, “Obama and Clinton were never raided despite big disputes,” exclaimed Trump. Above all, “why did they strongly insist on having nobody watching them,” he asked.
Certainly, the Democrat Party is weaponizing the Department of Justice against their strongest rival. A tactic often used in third-world countries to preserve ruling power. However, despite what appears to be political persecution, Trump has vowed that he will “continue to fight for the “Great American People.”