Photo: Alamy
A new Rasmussen poll has revealed that despite all the media attention surrounding Kamala Harris now running for president, President Trump still leads in the polls.
Despite Biden finally dropping out from his campaign, it’s still a two-person race and so far, President Trump is still winning despite a change in opponent. A recent poll by Rasmussen shared by Breitbart, has found that President Trump leads with a seven-point advantage over Harris. The poll found that President Trump was leading with 50 percent of the vote and Harris with only 43 percent.
Male voters also preferred President Trump over Harris who only garnered 41 percent of the vote while President Trump won 53 percent. But it’s not just male voters who prefer President Trump, 47 percent of female voters would vote for President Trump over Harris who got a 45 percent approval in the poll.
This week, the media has been gushing about Harris with a coronation that has drawn much criticism, even from Democrats themselves.
For example, the New York Post reported what former Democrat Andrew Stein, who has run in the primaries for 25 years, had to say about Harris’s coronation, “Harris is getting a free ride from the media and from many in her party: Those who failed to pass Biden off as competent are now highly motivated to try to position Harris as someone who’s qualified to be president.”
It appears many others feel this way about Harris, including in the poll. Participants were asked if Harris was “the best possible presidential candidate for the Democratic party this year?” 43 percent of participants answered no. So, despite the media force-feeding Harris to the American people, President Trump remains steadily in the lead.