Wisconsin GOP clinches election integrity WIN over mail-in ballot battle

by Summer Lane

Photo: Adobe Stock

The Wisconsin GOP has clinched another victory in the ongoing battle for election integrity this week, just in time for the rapidly approaching November elections. According to a report from Just the News, Dane County Circuit Judge Nia Trammell this week rejected a request to allow the counting of absentee ballots that had incomplete addresses in this election cycle.

In early September, a similar case arose in Wisconsin over the legality of counting absentee ballots. Via the Associated Press, Waukesha County Circuit Judge Michael Aprahamian granted a motion to the GOP to block the practice of allowing election clerks to fill in missing witness information on absentee envelopes.

Wisconsin has been infamously fraught with reports and allegations of election irregularities since the 2020 presidential election, but Republican lawmakers and concerned citizens have not hesitated to act in the best interest of their state and advocate for stricter election laws.

Rep. Brandtjen has moved swiftly to expose layers of election-related irregularities and alleged corruption in Wisconsin.

In July, the Wisconsin State Supreme Court ruled that absentee drop boxes were illegal. As previously reported by RSBN, the court’s majority opinion concurred that Wisconsin’s current election statutes required that absentee ballots be delivered either in person or handed to a clerk or a clerk’s authorized representative.

Republicans in Wisconsin also moved to both recruit and train poll watchers for the November election in anticipation of working to secure polling places for voters, per RSBN.

Wisconsin has further accrued a fighter for election integrity in State Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R), who has worked tirelessly to draw attention to reports of problems with voting machines and the state’s Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).

Brandtjen recently drew attention to credible data she received from a Wisconsin watchdog group that presented evidence that tabulation machines in Wisconsin were connected to the internet between 2020 and 2022. Per her statement:

“It is extremely alarming to learn that our election data can be transferred around the globe in such a cavalier manner. We learned the machines were connected to WiscNet on three elections dates (November 3, 2020, April 5, 2022, August 9, 2022), yet we are continually told by our election officials and by Speaker Vos, that the machines have no modems and the data is secure. This new evidence suggests otherwise with the data being extremely vulnerable. The questions raised by this exposure need to be addressed immediately.”

While Wisconsin has been the target of allegations of widespread election problems, the state’s Republican Party and concerned citizens have moved swiftly to expose corruption issues since 2020.

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