‘Challenge accepted’: Trump says he’d bring it in a debate with Kamala Harris

by Lauren Bratton

Photo: Alamy

During Wednesday’s rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, President Trump accepted Kamala Harris’s challenge to “compare records.”

The 45th president described Harris’s failures to the massive crowd, including her time spent as the District Attorney of San Francisco, before delivering a humorous impersonation of her recent remarks.

Trump told the crowd, “In one of the most astoundingly phony moments in her speech last night, Kamala Harris bragged and quote, ‘I will proudly put my record against Donald Trump’s any day of the week,’ and then gave his best impression of Harris declaring, “I will put it against Donald Trump.”

“She’s got one of the worst records in, anywhere,” Trump retorted. He then emphatically stated, “Well, Kamala, let’s go, challenge accepted, are you ready? Let’s compare our records, point by point,” and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause and cheers of approval.

President Trump then expressed how unbelievable it was that he was now campaigning against Harris instead of Biden.

He told the crowd, “I heard she was a rotten border czar, that’s about all I knew about her. Her only job was the border, and she never went there.”

However, he made clear that Harris and Biden are one and the same.

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