DeSantis proposes reinstating Florida State Guard, media and leftists flip out

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last week proposed $3.5 million for the reestablishment of a Florida State Guard to aid in the state’s emergency preparedness, prompting hysterical reactions from the Left and media decrying DeSantis’s proposal.

According to the governor’s office, the proposal would “enable civilians to be trained in best emergency response techniques to assist in the event of hurricane, natural disasters and other state emergencies.”

DeSantis’ office cited state law which empowers “the Governor…to organize and maintain…such military forces as the Governor may deem necessary to assist the civil authorities in maintaining law and order.”

If established, Florida would join 22 other states who have established active state guards, as reported by Fox News. The state previously used a similar force during World War II, which was disbanded in 1947.

But the national media and DeSantis’ political opponents immediately characterized the governor’s proposal as his own “handpicked secret police” and “paramilitary force.”

Democrat challengers for the Florida governor’s mansion, who hope to defeat DeSantis in 2022, spearheaded attacks against the popular Republican Governor.

DeSantis holds a significant lead over Democrat opponents, according to recent polling, just under a year before the 2022 election.

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