Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ premiers TODAY

2CYMYEJ Conservative commentator and best-selling author, Dinesh D'Souza exits the Manhattan Federal Courthouse after pleading guilty in New York, May 20, 2014. D'Souza pleaded guilty to one criminal count of making illegal contributions in the names of others. A second count concerning the making of false statements is expected to be dismissed once the defendant is sentenced. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW BUSINESS)

Photo: Alamy

Prominent conservative filmmaker, author, and podcast host Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary film, “2000 Mules,” premiered on Monday after months of anticipation.

D’Souza’s latest documentary details alleged evidence of ballot harvesting that permeated the 2020 presidential election.

President Donald J. Trump previously endorsed the film, urging his supporters to watch it. “This movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and the Fake News who say it [2020] was the ‘most secure election in history,” Trump said.

“It was perhaps, the least secure in history,” he added. Touting the film, Trump stated on Sunday that the documentary takes a hard look at the “scam” of illegal ballot harvesting.

“You will come away a different person,” Trump continued, “and say to yourself that our Country’s elections are run worse than those of a third world nation.”

In January, ballot trafficking was brought to the forefront of the conversation about election fraud when 240 individuals were reportedly caught on camera dumping ballots into drop boxes in the dead of night in Georgia in 2020.

“2000 Mules” was made with the help of the election integrity group True the Vote. The group will reportedly be releasing a full report on their investigation into illegal ballot harvesting next week.

The 45th president has also urged his supporters to review True the Vote’s report. “Go out and study True the Vote and all of the information about illegal ballot harvesting, millions of votes, that’s coming out next week,” Trump stated.

2000 Mules” will be showing in theaters on May 2 and May 4, followed by a virtual online premiere on Saturday, May 7, 2022, at 8 p.m. ET.

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