Extraordinary transparency from the White House shows massive border security undertaking

by Lauren Bratton

Photo: Alamy

Millions of Americans have breathed multiple sighs of relief over the last five days as the Trump administration has begun fulfilling many promises made on the campaign trail.

Most knew that dealing with the massive influx of illegal migration during the Biden-Harris administration was President Trump’s top priority but seeing it in action makes all the difference to those who have waited four long years for change.

The Trump administration has continuously provided extraordinary transparency regarding the situation at the southern border and the actions of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Thursday night, The White House official page on X, formerly Twitter, provided a daily immigration enforcement report from ICE. A whopping 538 illegal migrants were already arrested and 373 were placed in detention.

The page included a second post that detailed one arrestee’s heinous crime.

“On January 23rd, 2025 ICE Denver arrested Magdaleno Zenen Hernandez Garcia who has been convicted of continuous sexual abuse of a child aged 14 or younger,” the White House wrote.

“This is merely a small preview into the work the Trump administration is doing to secure our nation’s borders.”

On Friday, photographs from a deportation flight spread like wildfire on social media. As RSBN reported, the photos were taken at Biggs Army Airfield at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. That particular flight was transporting 80 illegal migrants back to Guatemala.

The transparency continued on Friday when the White House posted a nearly three-minute video highlighting the collaborative efforts from various agencies and military.

The White House captioned the video with, “The US Marine Corps Is On The Border Assisting CBP With The Mission To Secure America Promise Made –> Promise KEPT!”

During Trump’s campaign, the Democrats and their media allies often accused Trump of planning to use the United States military to round up illegal migrants. However, whether intentional or not, they failed to delve deeper into the topic to ask how he would utilize troops on American soil.

As previously reported by RSBN, acting Defense Secretary Robert Salesses said that deployed servicemembers would be providing airlift support, constructing temporary and permanent physical barriers, and other collaborative efforts with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), federal agencies, and state partners.

Despite Trump’s opponents’ repeated accusations, one military official emphatically stated, “none of the forces that we’re sending there are intended to be used for law enforcement.”

Additionally, Salesses made clear that the actions Americans are seeing just five days in are “just the beginning” of the colossal undertaking.

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