House Oversight Committee releases evidence of ‘Biden family cover-up’

2PWY0JH United States President Joe Biden makes remarks on National Small Business Week, at the White House in Washington, DC, May 1, 2023.Credit: Chris Kleponis/CNP /MediaPunch

Photo: Alamy

The House Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Biden family crimes has found more evidence of potential wrongdoing. They released their findings in a thread of posts on Twitter on Tuesday. 

The first tweet shows a 2017 WhatApp conversation between Hunter Biden and the Chairman of CEFC, Gongwen Dong. 

Dong also goes by the name Kevin, and CEFC is a Chinese Energy company that was allegedly connected to Joe Biden through Hunter’s business dealings, according to a 2020 report by the New York Post

The House Oversight Committee’s second tweet displayed a transaction paying $100,000 to one of Hunter Biden’s shell companies. 

This is just one of the various companies owned by Hunter Biden that have received wire transfers from foreign entities, per RSBN.

CEFC’s founder was then quoted in the third post in this thread. He is reportedly on the record stating that the company’s focus “is to obtain overseas resources and serve the national strategy.” China’s national strategy, that is.

The Chinese Communist Party-controlled country is currently enforcing policies that directly conflict with American values and constitutionally backed rights.

The Wall Street Journal reported on China’s surveillance state last year, which contradicts individual privacy rights. 

The Council on Foreign Relations also revealed last year that more than a million Muslim Uyghurs have been held in reeducation camps, citing accounts of torture and rape. 

American interests and values are not aligned with that of the CCP. Thus, the House Oversight Committee continues to expose questionable actions within the Biden family because they have allegedly abused their status to allow foreign influence into American politics. 

The House Oversight Committee has concluded that “the Bidens put China and their interests first and America last.”

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