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A new poll from Rasmussen has found that almost half of Pennsylvania voters believe that the 2022 midterm results in their state will be affected by fraud. This new finding comes almost two years after the 2020 presidential election, which has been plagued with disturbing reports of evidence of voter fraud, cheating, and ballot trafficking nationwide.
Per Rasmussen:
“Forty-five percent (45%) believe it is likely that widespread cheating in Pennsylvania will affect the outcome of this year’s congressional elections, including 20% who think it’s Very Likely. More Republicans (65%) than Democrats (25%) or unaffiliated voters (46%) think cheating is likely to affect the midterms.”
The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court ruled this week that mail-in ballots or absentee ballots that were missing dates or those that were incorrectly dated would not be eligible to be counted in the upcoming Nov. 8 election, per RSBN.
This court ruling was a big victory for advocates of election integrity, but it is telling that many Pennsylvanians are concerned about fraud’s effects on their voting system.
As reported by RSBN, 249,000 ballots in October were mailed to Pennsylvanians who had failed to provide a valid ID, conflicting with the Help America Vote Act (2002). Further, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Leigh Chapman recently told The Washington Post that she expected to have “delayed results” in calling election results on Election Day.
“Other states, like Florida for instance, they’re able to call their election results the night of the election,” she stated, while adding that in Pennsylvania,“…counties are only able to start processing [mail-in ballots] at 7 AM on Election Day. So that’s why there’s always delayed results when it comes to counting ballots. It doesn’t mean there’s anything nefarious that’s happening with the election system.”
However, Pennsylvania voters appear to feel differently, and it is likely that the state Supreme Court’s recent ruling to segregate undated or incorrectly dated ballots will affect thousands of mail-in or absentee ballots.
Via Rasmussen, most voters on Election Day will likely cast their ballots at the polling places, while half of Democrats will engage in early voting this year.