The House will vote soon on continuing the Biden impeachment inquiry

by Hailey Gomez

Photo: Alamy

The House of Representatives will take a formal vote next week on authorizing an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, Speaker Mike Johnson confirmed Tuesday.

Johnson stated at a press conference that the House will have “no choice” but to “follow its constitutional responsibility” into Biden’s impeachment, which Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has heavily pushed.

“The House has no choice if it’s going to follow its constitutional responsibility to formally adopt an impeachment inquiry on the floor so that when the subpoenas are challenged in court, we will be at the apex of our constitutional authority,” Johnson stated, according to Just the News.

“This vote is not a vote to impeach President Biden. This is a vote to continue the inquiry of impeachment, and that’s a necessary constitutional step,” Johnson continued.

Greene has pushed for fellow lawmakers to look into the president since Biden entered office back in 2021, according to Newsweek. The Georgia representative has claimed that Biden allegedly was involved with his son, Hunter’s Biden, foreign business dealings.

In addition to Greene’s push, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee began their ongoing investigation into the president and his family earlier this year, discovering a significant amount of information.

While the House GOP has a slim majority, some moderate Republicans, specifically those in districts Biden won in 2020, are hesitant to push a vote forward, NY1 reported. However, Johnson assured moderates that the vote would not be a “political decision,” highlighting that it is merely a “legal decision,” not one that will impeach the president, according to the outlet.  

“All the moderates in our conference understand this is not a political decision,” Johnson stated, according to NY1. “This is a legal decision. This is a constitutional decision. And whether someone is for or against impeachment is of no import right now.”

“We have to continue our legal responsibility and that is solely what this vote is about,” Johnson added.

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