Trump campaign urges Wisconsin to vote to BAN ‘Zuckerbucks’ from influencing state elections

by Summer Lane

Photo: Adobe Stock

Wisconsin may be poised to give Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg the boot if two GOP-supported amendments are passed in the state’s primary election this week.

According to the Courthouse News Service, Wisconsin voters will vote on two different amendments. The first proposed amendment would ban the use of private funds in election administration and the second would ensure that only election officials may perform election-related tasks.

During a heated presidential election year, President Trump’s campaign is heavily urging Wisconsin voters to vote yes on the two ballot questions on Tuesday, April 2, which is the state’s presidential primary day.

“Keep our elections secure,” one campaign advertisement read.

The measures on the ballot directly pertain to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who funneled millions of dollars into Wisconsin’s 2020 election processes via a nonprofit, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL). Remarkably, the counties that received “Zuckerbucks” voted for Biden, RSBN previously reported.

Hundreds of millions of more dollars were awarded in 2020 to provide election equipment and fun election processes, but there has been intense scrutiny surrounding how the money was really used.

Former Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman was appointed as a special counsel by the Wisconsin State Senate to look into the myriad of allegations surrounding election irregularities that cropped up in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

He released a 136-page report two years ago that detailed irregularities that were directly linked to the cities that took “Zuckerbucks.”

Via CNS:

“Multiple state Republicans have maintained that private funding for elections is wrong no matter which party benefits, and that the amendment is necessary to keep election administration nonpartisan and fair. Democrats argue municipalities’ election administration efforts are underfunded, partially because conservatives refuse to approve enough public money for them.”

In February, news broke that the DeKalb County Board of Voter Registration & Elections in Georgia had been awarded $2 million by an organization that has been linked to Zuckerberg through the nonprofit, CTCL.

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