Photo: Alamy
President Trump gave Americans a taste of the hope that could be lying ahead if they send him back to the White House in 2024 as the Commander in Chief, promising eager supporters on Friday that he would lead the nation’s return to freedom.
“With your vote and with a Republican House and a Republican Senate – and we have a really good chance at both -I will lead the great rebirth of American freedom,” he declared.
Trump delivered these remarks in Indianapolis, Indiana, at the annual NRA Convention.
“We will build a future where we are free of violence and free of crime and free of fear,” he said.
He noted that there was a “Marxist revolution going on” in the U.S. and that “we have to stop it fast.” Trump continued, “This is what we must do to save our country.”
In a speech that touched on the importance of protecting Second Amendment rights and facing down the tyranny within our own borders, Trump reminded the crowd that they “can’t just sit by and wait for the courts to save America” from the “radical left barbarians who are trying to burn down every right and every liberty that we hold dear.”