Trump promises to issue any Jan. 6 pardons necessary if he runs and wins in 2024

by Summer Lane

President Trump during his Saturday night rally in Texas promised to pardon the Jan. 6 prisoners “if it requires” if he runs for president in 2024 and wins.

“If I run and if I win,” he said, “we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly. We will treat them fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons. Because they are being treated so unfairly.”

After numerous reports have surfaced over the past year of protesters being held in prison for entering the Capitol building in January 2021, many Americans have wondered if President Trump would act swiftly to end the political persecution they are enduring. On Saturday, Trump made it clear that he would indeed take action if reelected to the White House in 2024.

The 45th president added, “We have an incompetent government that was elected through a rigged election, and they don’t know what the hell they’re doing.” He also decried the mainstream media’s coverage of the Biden administration’s failures, reminding rally-goers that, “The press is the enemy of the people. They’re totally corrupt.”

Trump’s Save America Rally in Conroe was his second rally of 2022, and his schedule will only grow busier as midterm campaigns intensify. In January, the 45th president kicked off the new year with a supercharged rally in Florence, Ariz.

Trump told a massive and enthusiastic crowd that Americans need to “throw these raving lunatics the hell out of power…elect strong, tough Republicans.” He continued, “With Biden and the radical left, it’s always America last.”

President Trump called for the rehiring of every single member of the military who was “cruelly terminated by Joe Biden and his ridiculous [vaccine] mandate.” He also proposed that those terminated military members receive full back pay.

There’s no question that President Trump sounded tough and ready to jump back into the political brawl on Saturday in Conroe, and as Americans head into a turbulent election year, millions of Trump supporters eagerly await the 45th president’s official announcement on a potential 2024 bid for the White House.  

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