Trump supports the death penalty to punish drug dealers

by Joshua Perry

Photo: Alamy

President Trump vowed to remain tough on crime in his speech on Tuesday during his first visit to the nation’s capital since he left the White House.

Speaking at the first annual America First Policy Institute summit, Trump slammed Democrats for turning the country into a “cesspool of crime, blood, and destruction.”

Consequently, “our country is going to hell,” declared the president of law and order.

Trump hammered away at Democrats for being “politically correct, weak…and extremely stupid,” in their approach to decreasing crime. In contrast, Trump argued for “severe penalties” for criminals including capital punishment for drug dealers.

Generally speaking, “If you look at countries throughout the world, the ones that don’t have a drug problem are ones that institute a very quick trial death penalty sentence for drug dealers,” said Trump.

Admittedly, he told the crowd that the idea sounds harsh, but he emphasized that if “we don’t get tough on the drug dealers then we are wasting our time.” According to Trump, countries that execute drug hustlers do not have a “problem with drugs.” Continuing, the 45th president claimed “500 lives” would be saved for each drug dealer sentenced to the death penalty.

Furthermore, Trump detailed his plan to crack down on crime by advocating for speedy trials and hiring more police officers. In addition, human traffickers and “those who kill police officers” should be put to death, he added.

President Trump focused on border security during his time in the Oval Office, but the Biden administration has taken a different approach.

In November 2021, the CDC announced that more than 100,000 people have died because of imported drugs such as fentanyl. The deadly drug is primarily manufactured in China before drug cartels transport the substance across the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to Gov. Abbott, R-Texas, “The Texas National Guard & Texas Dept. of Public Safety have seized enough fentanyl to kill everyone in Texas, California, & New York.”

At the close of his speech, President Trump alluded to a potential presidential campaign. “I ran a second time, and I did much better…We may just have to do it again. We have to strengthen our country,” said Trump.

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