Trump urges Americans to protest Time Warner’s decision to drop OAN

President Donald Trump blasted Time Warner’s decision to drop One America News in a scorching statement released Monday.

In his statement, Trump wrote, “Time Warner, the owner of Fake News CNN, has just announced that they will be terminating a very popular and wonderful news network (OAN).”

OAN recently filed a lawsuit against DirecTV for “a breach in contract” after the company announced its decision to decline a contract extension with the conservative news channel.

The legal filing stated, “This is an action to redress the unchecked influence and power that Defendants have wielded in an attempt to unlawfully destroy an independent, family-run business and impede the right of American television viewers to watch the news media channels and programs of their choice.”

The 45th president has previously stated, “If AT&T/DirecTV cancels OAN, I hope that everyone will boycott and cancel DirecTV.” Trump’s calls to boycott liberal television providers are now being amplified with Time Warner’s latest decision to remove OAN after its contract expires in April.

In his statement released Monday, Trump said, “Between heavily indebted Time Warner, and Radical Left Comcast, which runs Xfinity, there is a virtual monopoly on news, thereby making what you hear from the LameStream Media largely FAKE, hence the name FAKE NEWS!”

The 45th president has repeatedly warned the American people about the dangers of the Fake News media. He has also placed an emphasis on the need for Americans to stand up for conservation voices and conservative news sources. With liberal companies refusing to allow conservatives to voice their opinions, Republicans warn the censorship of Americans could lead to massive problems.

“I believe the people of this Country should protest the decision to eliminate OAN, a very important voice,” Trump continued. “Likewise, Comcast is terrible and expensive. Let them know that you’re sick and tired of FAKE NEWS! In this modern age of technology, they are no longer necessary,” he added.

Trump’s petition to boycott liberal networks that censor conservative voices can be accomplished by Americans finding other ways to support conservative networks like OAN. Just as the 45th president is launching Truth Social, an alternative form of social media, Americans can find alternative ways to view OAN and show their support.

At the conclusion of his statement, Trump urged Americans, “Demand that OAN be allowed to stay on the air.” He explained, “It is far bigger and more popular than anyone knows, and importantly, it represents the voice of a very large group of people!”

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