President Donald Trump zeroed in on megalithic support he has garnered from Hispanic voters around the country and in the great state of Texas during Saturday night’s Save America rally in Robstown, Texas.
“Our support for strong border security is one of the major reasons why Hispanic Americans are joining our movement by the millions and millions and millions,” he told the crowd.
In a speech that hammered home the grim reality of Joe Biden’s destructive open border policies in the Lone Star State, Trump touted his mega support among Hispanic Americans.
“In 2020, I was honored to earn the highest percentage of Latino votes of any Republican, in really, decades…and I became the first Republican to win Zapata County in a hundred years.”
He also praised the integrity of the Hispanic American community, commending them for their hard working spirit and entrepreneurial nature. “…They’re becoming a real part of the Republican Party, it’s incredible…” Trump added.
“We welcome you to our party and to our movement with open, open beautiful and strong arms,” Trump commented on the huge numbers of Hispanic voters swinging red this year.
“…Together we will make America great and glorious again,” he concluded.