Woman trampled by Ottawa police horses speaks out: ‘Hold the line, people!’

The elderly woman who was trampled by Ottawa police horses during the Freedom Convoy protests in Canada last week is reportedly recovering from her injuries and has a message for the world in a video circulating on social media.

“Hold the line, people,” she said to the camera, encouraging truckers and Canadians everywhere to continue peacefully pushing back against the tyranny of the Canadian regime.

The woman, who The Post Millennial revealed has been identified as Candice Sero, is also reportedly an indigenous elder of the Mohawk tribe who lives in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory in Hastings County, Ontario. Sero additionally was rumored to be deceased following the video and photos of the incident online, but that turned out to be false.

According to the Freedom Convoy 2022’s Instagram page, a photo of Candice recovering in the hospital was shared with users, who were happy to see the elderly woman receiving proper medical treatment following the Ottawa police’s decision to trample protesters underfoot with their horses.

Senior Editor of Human Events, Jack Posebiec, also shared this photo of Candice Sero on social media.

As previously reported by RSBN, the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa spent several weeks non-violently and respectfully occupying the city to protest vaccine mandates and Covid-related restrictions. Following Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act, police were utilized to forcibly remove and arrest protesters in the city, despite their peaceful behavior.

According to The Post Millennial, a woman allegedly claiming to be Candice Sero’s niece shared on Facebook that Sero was alive and that she had suffered a broken clavicle. Freedom-loving Canadians and Americans alike are relieved to hear that Sero is recovering.

Her message to hold the line of liberty is inspiring, especially as Americans gear up to kick start a convoy, which will carve a trail from California to Washington D.C., to protest vaccine mandates and demand an end to the federal emergency which has dragged on for two years in the United States.

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