Parisian anti-vaccine protests continue for the seventh month
In Paris, anti-vaccine protests have continued for the seventh month in a row – 29 weeks to be exact. The protests were sparked after the French government increased restrictions for…
In Paris, anti-vaccine protests have continued for the seventh month in a row – 29 weeks to be exact. The protests were sparked after the French government increased restrictions for…
France has been fighting a hard battle against the tyranny of medical restrictions related to the coronavirus “pandemic,” and on Saturday, their fight continued at the Eiffel Tower in Paris…
Austria has joined the fight alongside many other European nations like France and Italy, rising up against the tyranny of their own government in response to freedom-restricting vaccine mandates and…
The people of France are pushing back against tyrannical vaccine passports by taking to the streets in protest for the 14th consecutive Saturday. The French government announced last week that…
Intense protests persisted over the weekend in Europe as thousands took to Italy’s capital on Saturday to oppose the government’s vaccine credentialing system known as the “Green Pass” which applies…
Instead of complying with vaccine mandates imposed by French President Emanuel Macron, the French are resisting the government’s tyranny by the masses for the third month in a row. Marking…