American truckers to form freedom convoy mirroring Canada’s, reports say

by Summer Lane

American truckers in the United States are reportedly poised to follow in the footsteps of freedom-loving Canadians and form a convoy that will start in California and end in Washington D.C. According to a Your Basin report shared by Fox 14 News on social media, an American Truckers Facebook group that has more than 67,000 members are making rumblings about putting the convoy together.

This report comes on the heels of a jaw-dropping convoy of Canadian truckers who formed a 45-mile convoy to Ottawa last week to protest the government’s tyrannical vaccine mandates imposed on truck drivers bringing supplies in and out of the country at the U.S.-Canada border.

According to a previous report from RSBN, thousands of Canadians reached Parliament Hill in Ottawa alongside the patriotic truckers. The blockade of trucks around the capital building has been peaceful but powerful. And the protests are continuing as countless suspended workers and truckers speak to the massive crowds and demand a rollback on the restrictive Covid policies in Canada.

Further, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the Canadian truckers who are surrounding Parliament in order to peacefully push back against his totalitarian regime.

He said, “The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa are holding unacceptable views what they’re expressing.” He also claimed that the truckers, “Do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other, who know that following the science…is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms…”

Interestingly enough, Trudeau fled Parliament in light of the peaceful truckers’ presence, despite the fact that they are, in his words, “a fringe minority.”

Additionally, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on Jan. 20 that they would require non-U.S. citizens attempting to access ports of entry on land and ferry locations to provide proof of vaccination to enter, therefore barring unvaccinated truckers from bringing supplies over the border, for example. This also applies to the U.S.-Mexico border in addition to the U.S.-Canada border, with the exception of illegal border crossings.

If the current reports on the American truckers come to fruition, another record-setting convoy may soon be heading for Washington D.C. to let the tyrannical politicians in office know exactly how American workers feel about mandatory vaccinations.

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