Crowd ERUPTS when Trump teases a third presidential bid: ‘USA! USA!’

by Samantha Flom

President Donald J. Trump received a standing ovation Saturday after teasing a potential third presidential bid at a Save America rally in Anchorage, Alaska.

After stating that he “ran twice” and “won twice,” Trump said: “I did much better the second time than I did the first, believe it or not, getting many, many millions more votes than we did in 2016, and likewise getting more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country by far.”

“And now,” the president continued, “with the approval of the great people of Alaska, we may have to do it again.”

At that, the thousands-strong crowd jumped to its feet, roaring its approval and breaking into chants of “USA! USA!”

Trump has repeatedly hinted that he is considering a third presidential bid, though he has yet to make an official announcement. While it is still early compared to the traditional timing for campaign announcements, one potential reason for the delay could be that Trump holds he has already won two presidential terms.

In his remarks, he noted how allegations of election fraud and illegal measures taken by state governments have cast a dark cloud over the 2020 election results. 

For instance, Trump pointed out that, on Friday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that using ballot drop boxes to return absentee ballots is illegal now and was during the 2020 election when it was used.

“Just as I’ve said all along, the use of these unmanned, unsecured drop boxes was never authorized by the state legislature, but partisan, radical Democrat officials simply did it anyway,” said President Trump.

Adding that he was never really worried about the results in Alaska because “we won by so much, you know,” the president closed with a warning for Republicans for the upcoming midterm elections.

“One of the most urgent tasks for the Republican Party this November – because, you’re gonna have the votes, you’re gonna win – but you have to make sure that you watch the voting and the ballot counting,” he said, noting, “The Democrats have proven that the vote counter is far more important than the candidate.”

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