Election integrity remains a major concern for voters

2DCKA4Y Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 21st Nov, 2020. A demonstrator holds a sign that reads ELECTION INTEGRITY MATTERS while armed demonstrators stand nearby, at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta Credit: John Arthur Brown/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News

Photo: Alamy

While some media outlets and various members of Congress want to forget about election integrity, voters are less inclined to do so and are still concerned about cheating in the nation’s elections.

Voters are concerned about election integrity.

As reported by Rasmussen Reports, “The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. voters think it is likely that cheating affected the outcomes of some races in last year’s midterm elections.”

A further breakdown of the results is telling. In a series of tweets, Liz Harrington breaks down the results in more detail. Specifically, 60 percent of likely voters say it is more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections, 53 percent say mail-in ballots make it easier to cheat, and 62 percent say federal and state officials are ignoring evidence of widespread election fraud.

Additionally, 78 percent of Republicans say it is likely cheating affected races in 2022, 48 percent of Democrats say it is likely cheating affected races in 2022, and 53 percent of Independents say it is likely cheating affected races in 2022.

President Trump’s position

President Donald J. Trump agrees that election integrity is crucial. As recently reported by Right Side Broadcasting Network, Trump discussed the irregularities and reports of fraud surrounding the 2020 election during his recent speech at the annual NRA Convention in Indianapolis. He stated: “That was the worst horror show, I think, one of the greatest criminal acts ever, the election of 2020, but we will turn that around…”

Along these same lines, Trump has also blasted the various investigations launched against him as an effort to interfere in the nation’s elections.

In a video posted on Twitter by the Trump War Room, Trump stated:


As the 2024 election nears, the issue of election integrity continues to be highly relevant. Trump recognizes this and has consistently reminded the state legislatures and governors to address this vital issue in his various speeches and rallies.

In his November speech where he announced his candidacy for reelection, Trump stated:

“And of course, we will do whatever it takes to bring back honesty, confidence, and trust in our elections. To eliminate cheating I will immediately demand voter ID. Same day voting and only paper ballots, only paper ballots. France just had an election. 36 million people voted. It was all done by 10 o’clock in the evening. No complaints. You had a winner, you had a loser. The loser went home. The winner, he’s a friend of mine. Nice guy. But he was happy. But there was no complaints.”

The security of the nation’s elections and trust in the election process is crucial. Based upon Trump’s comments and the results of the recent Rasmussen Reports survey, this issue is not going to disappear until it is sufficiently addressed.

Mr. Hakim is an attorney and columnist. His articles have been published in The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, American Thinker, and other online publications. He is also a regular guest on OANN’s Tipping Point, and has appeared on Newsmax, The Jenna Ellis Show, Steadfast and Loyal Podcast with Allen West, The Dave Weinbaum Show, and Real America’s Voice. The views expressed herein are the author’s own and do not constitute legal advice.   

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çevirmenlik April 21, 2023 - 3:47 pm
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