Maricopa Republican Committee unanimously REJECTS 2020 election results

by Samantha Flom

Photo: Adobe Stock

The Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) Executive Governance Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to reject the certification of the Arizona county’s 2020 presidential election results, according to The Gateway Pundit.

The vote followed a previous unanimous vote of the MCRC Executive Board to do the same.

“We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States,” states the resolution, which was inspired by a similar move in Texas. “We strongly urge all Republicans to work to ensure election integrity and correct all fraud and weaknesses identified in the 2020 Election.”

Asserting that multiple secretaries of state “illegally circumvented” their state legislatures in conducting their elections “in multiple incorrect ways,” the resolution holds that substantial election fraud swung the results in five key states toward Joe Biden.

The resolution also notes that an audit of the county’s election results revealed significant discrepancies and holds that Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” “irrefutably proves” election fraud occurred.

Per The Epoch Times, the resolution comes on the heels of another passed on June 30 by the Republican Party of Langlade County, Wisconsin, which also cited “2000 Mules” as evidence of fraud.

Terry Brand, chairman of the Langlade County GOP, told the outlet that he plans to encourage other counties to keep the movement going through Election Day.

“I would like to have one county drop a resolution every day, from now until Nov. 8, to continue to develop that momentum and put pressure on our elected people to do the right thing and make sure that we have election integrity down to the point where there is zero possibility of cheating—that should be our goal,” he said.

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