Report: Millennials and Gen Z reject federal abortion policy

by Summer Lane

Students for Life of America (SFLA) revealed a stunning poll this week showing that most American “Millennial” and “Gen Z” voters have rejected the Biden administration’s sweeping views on abortion.

According to a report from Breitbart News, the poll found that 80 percent of Millennials and Gen Z believe that abortion should be a state issue and not a federal one.

In a tweet posted to their official account, SFLA stated, “An astonishing 8 in 10 want to vote on abortion policy in their states – UP from 66% last year. It’s clear that Millennials and Gen Z want a voice and a vote on abortion.”

This is a substantial shift compared to just one year ago, and it clearly seems to illustrate that the younger generation is actively getting more involved in the political processes of their respective states.

This new poll is startling, especially since the media and Hollywood seem to constantly advocate for abortion, calling it a “woman’s right to choose.”

However, it seems that younger Americans today are very interested in becoming involved in the conversation regarding abortion. Also, according to the Breitbart Report, 65 percent of those polled said that doctors should absolutely be required to check for a fetal heartbeat before performing an abortion procedure.

Interestingly enough, the support of Millennials and Gen Z for Roe v. Wade (60 percent of those polled support it) wanes considerably once they become familiar with the details of the case and are educated on the scientific facts of fetal heartbeats and the definition of when life actually begins.

At the very least, this generation’s rejection of the Biden administration’s support of federal-level abortion laws paves a path for a dialogue on the issue.

In light of recent rulings to protect the unborn in the womb, such as the Supreme Court’s ruling to indefinitely uphold the ban on abortions in Texas after a heartbeat is detected, gives hope for many pro-life advocates that change is coming to America.  

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