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The Lone Star State is taking action to protect election integrity by training poll watchers and election workers. According to a report from Just the News, the Texas GOP has trained more than 5,000 poll election workers and poll watchers since President Trump left office in 2021.
The Epoch Times further reported that Texas GOP spokesperson, James Wasolek, stated, “Texas should be the standard bearer for all things Republican, with a Republican-dominated legislature and state office for going on 20 years now.”
Their report additionally revealed that Texas election poll watchers are trained to observe the election process and report any irregularities or violations of the election code to officials. Members of any political party can also hire poll watchers and election workers.
This is not the first move Texas has made toward securing election integrity following widespread reports of election fraud in key states in 2020.
In June, the Texas GOP passed a resolution holding that Joe Biden was not the legitimately elected president, based on shocking evidence of ballot trafficking that Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote presented in the documentary, “2000 Mules.”
Nationwide reports of ballot trafficking and voter fraud have stirred up concern among voting Americans since 2020. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) recently signed SB 524 into law, which created a historic Office of Election Crimes and Security. Florida also allocated $14 million toward supporting election security and integrity in the Sunshine State.
GOP Spokesman Wasolek continued in his statement to The Epoch Times, “Despite the legislative priorities that we have, we’re still out in the field training poll watchers and election workers every day so that we can trust and verify, make sure that our election integrity laws that are already on the book are followed, that the law is followed, that there are repercussions for [election fraud] when it happens.”