The Christian Approach to the Ballot Box

A "VOTE" pin or button on a flag of the United States

Op-ed by David Crum | Photo: Adobe Stock

Throughout the generations, Americans typically have cherished the right to vote as their civic duty. From women’s suffrage to civil rights, Americans of all races, ethnicities, and genders solemnly fought for their right to be heard. Many citizens believe it is their constitutional duty to enter the ballot box, acknowledging that they should never take the ability to vote for granted while honoring those who laid down their lives for this right. Christians, however, bring a unique perspective to this process, as the majority of believers understand that voting is one of the most formidable ways to enable their voices to be heard, guided by their faith in Jesus Christ.  

It is fair to ask, then, how do Christians separate their political and religious beliefs? Is there a specific approach believers should take when casting their vote? First, Christians must always acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and following Him should be the most essential part of any believer’s life. There must also be a middle ground that prevents Christians from engaging in irrational conduct and even sinful behavior during the voting process.

Since the beginning of our God-ordained design, politics have been divisive. In global terms, the U.S. is still a young country, yet the nation has the longest codified Constitution in history. There have been fistfights on the House floor, duels, a civil war, and multiple assassinations of sitting presidents, yet the nation has stood the test of time. Christians must enter political discussions and decisions with godly reasoning, constraint, and love to prevent any hate from brewing in their hearts.

Choose and Serve Jesus Christ First

The Bible is clear that a believer’s worldview must be Christ-centered and heavenly-focused. Paul taught as much: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:2-3” This means that Christians are called to be separate from this fallen world, but they can partake in worldly affairs and push for righteousness to better showcase the love and majesty of Jesus Christ. It is crucial that Christians prioritize using Jesus Christ and His teachings as the standard in life and never take it for granted. Believers must also ensure they do not fall victim to misusing the Lord’s teachings for their own personal gain. The most impactful way to combat such temptation and human passions is to live a life of prayer and exercise discernment when making decisions, including casting a vote. The Gospel’s message of salvation and redemption should not just influence but drive every decision, including all aspects related to voting.

Furthermore, the Scriptures also teach that Christians are called to live in peace, “Repay no one evil for evil but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with everyone. Romans 12:17-18” Does this teaching imply Christians cannot partake in heated political discourse or even the act of voting? No, it does, however, instruct awareness of how important it is to be the light and salt of the earth. Obviously, Christians should not partake in violent riots or hateful speech. This undoubtedly does not convey the message of Christ, and if this were to occur, repentance would be immediately necessary. There is always a proper way to share the message of the faith, which centers on truth, love, and mercy.

Christians must always prioritize their focus on heavenly matters, such as living in peace and exercising the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23); they also possess the right, and sometimes responsibility, to confront sin and darkness. Voting empowers Christians to voice their opinions and significantly influence society. In the United States, voting is a powerful method of demonstrating one’s allegiance and dedication to Jesus Christ. This is often referred to as voting according to one’s conscience. However, believers must understand that no political party is flawless, and individuals who sincerely follow Christ can exist in all parties. Nonetheless, core policy matters persist in challenging Christians, their voting ethics, and their convictions.

In an ever-changing world that values secular humanism more than biblical Christianity, believers ought to live by the concept of Christ or chaos. Those who submit to Christ’s authority can expect to receive His blessings and guidance, as hope, faith, and love can only be found through Him.

Voting Your Conscience

Undoubtedly, most Americans vote their conscience. People from all walks of life, religions, and traditions are passionate about certain political and societal matters that often dictate their ballot decisions. Christians are the same and frequently struggle with determining what candidate best supports their positions on vital Christian teachings and convictions.

Acknowledging that no candidate running for any political office will perfectly resemble the ideal Christian nominee is crucial. Sin has affected everyone (Jeremiah 17:9, Romans 3:10-11), making humanity far from perfect and righteous. However, a variety of shared principles often contribute to a Christian voting one way or another.

Abortion continues to pose a significant challenge in the nation, as it results in the murder of millions of precious lives each year. Christians across various denominations come together to oppose such evil and protect life. Voting often embodies the commitment to outlaw abortion and eradicate this harmful practice. Just as courageous abolitionists confronted the sinful institution of slavery, the fight against abortion requires similar determination and conviction.

God created mankind in His own image. This essential teaching provides an understanding of several key issues. God determines creation, both at the beginning of life and at the end. Christians can confront the dangerous practice of abortion with this understanding and logic, but they can also oppose the growing popularity of euthanasia. Similarly, marriage and sexuality are both defined by God and not left up to humans to follow their passions and desires. Upholding a biblical worldview protects Christians in every facet of life, including defining the standards of marriage and sexuality.

Liberty and freedom, too, correlate to Christians’ views on political matters. How involved should the government be in education, medical practices, or freedom of speech? Throughout U.S. history, followers of Christ have opposed dangerous precedents set forth by ungodly government policies. Today is no different, and Christians are responsible for ensuring freedom reigns. If liberty is at stake, how can anyone freely worship and serve Jesus Christ? This has been a probing question and problem faced by Christians of the past.

Do parental rights matter? Should the state or the federal government have a say in parenting children? The answers to these questions are vital to any approach to entering the ballot box. Born-again believers know that the only authority and hope that truly matters in their lives is Jesus Christ. Christians indeed have the responsibility to honor and comply with government laws (Romans 13:1-7) to foster a peaceful existence. Yet, Christians also bear the responsibility of addressing and contesting laws that blatantly oppose the Scriptures and Christ’s teachings. One of the primary ways to do so is through voting.

Voting has always been influenced by policy and societal matters, determining the direction in which believers usually vote. Maintaining a Christian worldview is crucial for protecting believers and guiding essential life choices, such as defending and promoting societal biblical standards and principles.

While there may be no ideal or perfect answer for the Christian approach to entering the ballot box, believers can effectively make their voices heard by voting according to their Christian worldview. No political party or politician can perfectly suit every Christian principle or fundamental teaching of the faith. Nevertheless, Christians can certainly exercise their right to vote for and defend the foundational tenets of the faith. Ultimately, it is vital to understand that perfection and righteousness will never prevail in this fallen world. This, however, does not negate the fact that followers of Christ can speak up against injustice and oppose sinful and ungodly practices that blasphemy the name of the Lord.

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