Thousands of Australians protest outside Parliament in defiance of freedom-restricting pandemic bill

by Summer Lane

Australians are rising up against a fresh form of tyranny the government Down Under, rallying by the tens of thousands outside the Australian Parliament building in Melbourne to protest a so-called “pandemic bill,” which would significantly expand the powers of the Prime Minister.

Australia, which has been one of the most restrictive countries in the world in terms of Covid-19 regulations, is being hit with the prospect of suffering again under tyrannical, broadened governmental powers with the new pandemic bill, which has been spearheaded by Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews. 

The proposed bill would give Andrews extensive power, allowing him to declare public health emergencies and any health restriction related to it for up to three months at a time, according to a report from ABC News Australia. Even more disturbingly, the bill relegates review of health-related public policy decisions from the Premier to independent boards of “health” and “human rights” experts. 

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Andrews has vigorously defended the bill, at odds with Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who stated the following: “…At a time when everyone is now opening up and moving ahead, I can understand their frustration where governments are maybe seeking to have more involvement in their lives.” By contrast, Andrews has embraced the sweeping powers in the bill: 

“When you’re in this stage of this pandemic, you need to have a broader focus and that’s exactly what these new arrangements will underpin…They also set us up, having learnt many things along the journey, for whatever that next pandemic might look like, whenever that might be into the future.”

Andrews and Parliament may be okay with broadening the power of their already-tyrannical government, but the people of Australia are not. The tens of thousands of passionate, freedom-loving protesters at the Parliament building on Saturday are beginning to reach a zenith as months of government persecution surrounding Covid-19 regulations begins to compound.

The people of Australia have been forced to endure egregious government overreach since the pandemic hit in early 2020. For example, in July of this year, residents of Sydney were ordered to wear a mask at all times outside, and they were not allowed to travel more than three miles from their homes. Even worse, the Australian military was deployed to the city to enforce the mandates, bringing about a new form of medical fascism. 

It looks like Australian citizens have had enough of the tyranny being inflicted on them by their power-hungry government officials, and perhaps this massive protest outside of Parliament against the proposed pandemic bill will be the first in a series of very important steps in taking back their freedoms. 

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