Thousands of NYC workers fight tyranny in anti-mandate march, shut down Brooklyn Bridge

by Summer Lane

Tens of thousands of NYC workers marched for medical choice on Monday, protesting the city’s newly-announced, freedom-restricting vaccine mandates as they walked through the Big Apple, chanting “USA!” and “We will not comply!”

The march, which was live-streamed exclusively by RSBN, was attended by thousands of New York City municipal workers in response to the tyrannical vaccine mandate implemented by Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio last week.

According to the new mandate, all municipal workers in the city must receive at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine by Oct. 29, eliminating an opt-out with testing for those who choose to be unvaccinated. Workers who choose to remain unvaccinated will be placed on unpaid leave.

“It’s a mandate now for all city agencies, all city workers,” de Blasio said last week. “It’s time for everyone to get vaccinated. Our public employees are going to lead us out of the COVID era.”

The vaccine mandate, which grossly violates medical freedom, will also force police officers and firefighters – both of which are currently only 70 and 60 percent vaccinated right now – to receive the Covid shot.

In defiance of de Blasio’s restricting demands, the anti-mandate march moved through the streets of New York as patriotic protestors waved Gadsden flags and loudly chanted “No Nazi passports!” Thousands of patriots crossed the Brooklyn Bridge, shutting down traffic as they pushed toward City Hall, demanding lawmakers drop the mandates.  

NYC municipal workers took to the stage at City Hall and addressed the patriots gathered there, making their grievances publicly known, and demanding the repeal of de Blasio’s vaccine mandate requirement.

One speaker, a NYPD officer who is facing unpaid leave in light of refusing to take the Covid shot, courageously took the mic and fired away: “What will be the next order of business for the NYPD?” he demanded. “These [mandates] are the kind of infringements of our freedoms that lead to people getting hurt or killed…it will pit the NYPD and the communities against each other…the flames of that animosity…will drive a wedge between the police and the community with these mandates.”

Many protestors were holding signs with slogans like “My Body, My Choice” and “Coercion is NOT choice!” Once protestors reached City Hall, the crowd broke out into riotous chants of “Hold the line!”

The new mandate, which will reportedly affect over 160,000 New York City employees, goes into effect on Nov. 1 if Mayor de Blasio and NYC lawmakers do not respond to the demands of the people to rescind the vaccine requirement. Almost comically, de Blasio has offered bonuses of $500 for city workers who choose to get vaccinated immediately.

However, it appears that even a monetary bribe has not been enough to entice the entire New York City municipal workforce to take the coronavirus vaccine, and liberty-loving New Yorkers are not backing down. If Mayor de Blasio forges ahead with the vaccine mandate in November, thousands of people will potentially be placed on unpaid leave.

However bleak the situation might look, the fight isn’t over yet. The message from Monday’s anti-mandate march was clear: The people of New York love their freedom and they want Mayor de Blasio to know that bodily autonomy and the freedom of medical choice is essential. As one patriot proudly wrote on her sign: “Essential workers are essential. The shot is not.”

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