Trump hints at turning of the tide at the RNC and jokes, ‘We like to HUNT for VOTES’

by Summer Lane

President Donald Trump spoke strongly on Saturday about his endorsed candidate for the position of Republican National Committee chairman, Michael Whatley, who is now serving as North Carolina’s Republican Party chair.

The president delivered remarks in Greensboro, North Carolina, at a “Get Out the Vote Rally,” where he discussed his campaign to reclaim the White House, deriding Joe Biden’s tepid leadership, the open border crisis, and the political persecution he is facing.

He discussed the future leadership of the RNC and praised Whatley for having “stopped the steal” in 2020 in the state of North Carolina. He said that Americans have “to protect the vote” and noted that the Democrats “cheat like hell and they’re geniuses at it.”

However, he tempered that comment by elevating Whatley as the man who “stopped it in North Carolina” and promised that “I have great confidence in him.”

The president further said that he had told Whatley to make sure that “drop boxes of ballots” weren’t placed everywhere in 2024 like in 2020. “He’s going to make sure of it,” Trump said.

The president also teasingly remarked in his speech that he liked “hunting for votes,” unlike his son, who enjoys physical hunting trips.

“I like hunting, too, but a different kind of hunting,” he joked. “We like hunting for VOTES. We want to hunt for votes because we’ve GOT to win this election!”

In the RNC leadership shakeup, Trump has also endorsed his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, as the co-chair of the committee, and he has endorsed his senior advisor Chris LaCavita for the position of COO.

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