Trump: Liars in Arizona can’t explain away corruption in ‘Election Scam’

by Gary Smith

President Donald J. Trump on Friday evening published a detailed letter about the demonstrated inconsistencies in the last presidential election, including a pointed paragraph about the discoveries in the Arizona audit.

He once again accused the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors of spreading “outright lies” about the successful Arizona audit and cited a thorough report from election consultant Cyber Ninjas, hosted by the lion-hearted AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers.

“They cannot explain away the findings of the Arizona Audit,” President Trump wrote, citing the fact that they were “caught illegally deleting election data and records in defiance of a subpoena.”

President Trump stated that there is “much corruption and irregularities in Arizona,” including the examples of:

● 23,344 “Mail-In Ballots Voted from Prior Address”

● 9,041 “More Ballots Returned by Voter Than Received”

● 284,412 ballot images “were corrupt or missing” 

● 17,322 duplicate ballot envelopes (which surged after Election Day)

● 5,295 “Voters That Potentially Voted in Multiple Counties”

● 2,382 “In-Person Voters Who Had Moved out of Maricopa County”

● 2,081 “Voters Moved Out-of-State During 29-Day Period Preceding Election”

● “Official Results Does Not Match Who Voted” (off by at least 3,432 ballots)

“Not included in the Audit was Pima County, which had multiple precincts with OVER 100 percent turnout for mail-in ballots—which is not possible (or legal!),” President Trump continued in his letter. “These alone total 11,994 ballots, more than the election margin.”

“Precincts with anomalous high turnout laughably went from 6% percent of Republicans voting for Biden to 40% of Republicans ‘voting’ for Biden in mail-in ballots,” President Trump added. “No one in the Fake News Media pretends to believe this, so they just ignore the facts. It is all just part of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam.”

His letter was in part a rebuke to an opinion piece published by the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal on Thursday evening.

The article, titled “The Facts on Trump’s Fraud Letter,” referred to his referencing of audits and facts as “2020 monomania,” and said it “reflects on his fitness for 2024.”

The board also laughably concluded that “even if fraud happened” in Arizona, regarding the 74,000 extra mail in votes found in the state which exceeded the total sent out, “Mr. Trump would be two states short of victory.”

This claim is eerily reminiscent of April 2016, where fellow establishment media clerics at the New York Times proclaimed the importance of “two states” in the soon-to-be victory of then-long shot candidate Trump in the Republican presidential primary.

An editorial letter written by President Trump, published by the Journal on Wednesday, highlighted the hypocrisy of dismissing election fraud claims with mail-in ballots, by defending the unconstitutional acceptance of this unprecedented protocol and claiming any resulting inconsistencies “didn’t matter.”

President Trump has previously stated that the Arizona Audit was a “big win for democracy” as well as his voter base, and that it is true evidence of just “how corrupt the Election was.”

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