Trump reigns supreme in New Hampshire, DeSantis crashes to fifth place

by Summer Lane

Photo: Alamy

President Donald Trump is consistently leading in every GOP primary poll in America, but as early primary voting looms just weeks away, conservatives are keeping an extra sharp eye on states like Iowa and New Hampshire.

Iowa will kick off the nation’s Republican primary season on Jan. 15, 2024, with the anticipated caucuses, and President Trump is in an excellent position to win in the Hawkeye State, with a whopping 43 percent of statewide GOP caucus-goers indicating their support for his candidacy (Fabrizio, Lee & Associates).

Iowa will pave the way to the New Hampshire early primary, where Trump is also the dominant force among GOP presidential candidates. According to a new poll from Washington Post/Monmouth, President Trump has captured 46 percent of support in the Granite State.

Nikki Haley, the former Republican governor of South Carolina, earned 18 percent of support, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie earned 11 percent, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy won eight percent. Surprisingly, Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., sunk to fifth place in their poll, winning only seven percent of support among New Hampshire GOP primary voters.

Trump’s dominance in the key early voting states of Iowa of New Hampshire are a good indication that he will likely sweep the Republican primary election and score the nomination next year.

On a national scale, President Trump is far and away the favorite choice to win the Republican nomination among GOP voters. New data from Cygnal revealed that Trump held 60 percent of nationwide support, giving him a 51-point lead over the Republican runner-up, Gov. DeSantis.

In that poll, DeSantis’s second-place position didn’t even break double-digit support (nine percent).

Trump is also leading in polling for the general election, showing that he is the candidate with the most likely chance of beating Joe Biden at the ballot box. A Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll (Oct. 30-Nov. 7) recently found that Trump was leading Biden in six out of seven key swing states.

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