Trump set to fly into New Orleans on Tuesday for fundraiser amid historic campaign haul

by Summer Lane

Photo: Alamy

President Trump is scheduled to fly into Louisiana on Tuesday, where he will disembark Trump Force One at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, his campaign has announced.

He is expected to arrive in New Orleans at 4:00 p.m. CT.

According to 4WWL, Trump’s trip to New Orleans is centered on a campaign fundraiser that will reportedly be held at the home of New Orleans businessman Joseph Canizaro, alongside retired shipbuilder Boysie Bollinger.

This latest campaign event comes amid President Trump’s historic fundraising in 2023. According to RSBN, the president received $35 million in campaign donations in the second fiscal quarter of 2023, which nearly doubled the $18.8 million he raked in after the first quarter.

Attendees at the fundraiser in Louisiana are reportedly being asked to donate $23,200 to the president’s reelection campaign, the Shreveport Times reported.

President Trump’s popularity among Republican voters is higher than ever this year, despite relentless legal and political attacks that have been waged against him.

The president has been indicted twice, with two more potential indictments on the horizon. As previously reported by RSBN, Trump’s seemed to rake in his biggest fundraising numbers after being indicted, illustrating MAGA voters’ persistence in supporting the president.

In a 2024 Republican national primary poll from Rasmussen, Trump held a staggering 44-point lead over presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., who earned just 13 percent of support.

According to data from Race to the WH, early polling data among Republican primary voters indicated that Trump would powerfully sweep the primary election in the key states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.

In a general election, Harvard/Harris additionally found that Trump held an impressive 18-point lead over Biden with Independent voters.

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