TRUMP: ‘We’re going to WIN New York!’

by Summer Lane

President Donald Trump gave remarks at an energetic and unprecedented event in Crotona Park in the South Bronx on Thursday afternoon. He commented that the support from the crowd was like a “lovefest.” 

“WE LOVE TRUMP!” chants broke out in the audience as supporters waved their signs of support, posters, and banners. 

“Who said we’re not gonna win New York?” Trump remarked, smiling. “We’re going to WIN New York!” 

Preceding his remarks, he highlighted the importance of pulling together to save the nation in 2024. 

He said, “We’re not going to let this continue, we are not going to abandon our hope and our pride. This city has given us so much and now it is time that we are going to give it back. Together we are going to make New York City great again and simultaneously we are going to make America GREAT again.” 

Chants of “USA! USA! USA!” erupted from the crowd. 

President Trump’s Crotona Park event drew tens of thousands of people to the borough, proving that not only is deep-blue New York not as blue as Democrats would like to think, but it’s heavily swinging toward MAGA in 2024. 

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