DeSantis to investigate GoFundMe’s initial refusal to release trucker funds

by Summer Lane

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is spearheading a probe into GoFundMe, a crowdfunding website, and its now-notorious refusal to release $9 million in donated funds raised for the Canadian truckers who are fighting vaccine mandates in the “Freedom Convoy 2022.”

According to a report from the Daily Caller, Gov. DeSantis, along with several top GOP officials, believes that GoFundMe’s original decision to distribute the truckers’ money to charities of GoFundMe’s choosing is fraudulent.

Gov. DeSantis elaborated on the situation in a tweet: “It is fraud for @gofundme to commandeer $9M in donations sent to support truckers and give it to causes of their own choosing.” He also stated that he would “work with @AGAshleyMoody to investigate these deceptive practices – these donors should be given a refund.” Ashley Moody is the current attorney general of Florida.

Further, as Canadian truckers blockade the U.S.-Canada border for the tenth consecutive day on Monday, they are showing the world and their tyrannical government that they have had enough of vaccine passports and medical regulations.

On Saturday, GoFundMe caved to the unrelenting pressure from Americans and Canadians alike who decried the injustice of the crowdfunding company’s refusal to give the truckers their money. GoFundMe announced that it would send the remaining donation sum back to the initial donors.

However, Gov. DeSantis and his Republican colleagues are still fired up about the donation debacle and will be moving ahead with an investigation. As American truckers begin gearing up to form a “Freedom Convoy” of their own that will stretch from California to Washington D.C., they are looking for alternative donation websites and methods of communication that cannot be censored or captured by Big Tech.

As of Monday, Christian-based fundraising website called GiveSendGo had raised about $4 million for the Canadian truckers. Donors are hoping that this new platform will be a safer way to send funds to the truckers standing up for medical freedom in Canada.

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