Advent Health suspended all vaccine mandates for their 83,000 employees in Florida on Thursday. In a massive win for medical freedom and individual liberty, the medical system, which is one of Florida’s largest, terminated all vaccine mandates in response to the governor banning vaccine mandates in Florida and federal courts blocking the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate.
This decision by Advent Health is a huge win and a positive sign for Americans who have faced job termination over refusing to get the Covid-19 vaccine. Thousands of Florida’s hospital workers will no longer have to make a choice between their jobs and their personal freedoms.
Advent Health’s official statement still recommends the Covid-19 to their employees, stating, “AdventHealth’s position continues to be that the COVID-19 vaccine is the most effective tool for keeping our team members, patients, and communities safe.” Additionally, Advent Health will still require their employees to declare their vaccination status. However, the health organization will no longer require their employees to be vaccinated.
The Office of Governor Ron DeSantis has issued a statement, saying, “We welcome AdventHealth’s decision to comply with state law to protect Floridians’ jobs and to ensure our state’s healthcare system can continue functioning smoothly.”
In November, Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, made headlines by standing up for Florida’s residents against the Biden administration’s attempt to mandate businesses and medical organizations to force their employees to be vaccinated.
DeSantis refused to stand by and watch Americans lose their jobs over a vaccine, and began to champion the fight for personal freedom against the irresponsible behavior of the Biden administration.
In response to Biden’s extreme mandates, Governor DeSantis banned private employers from mandating vaccines and signed multiple laws in order to protect American jobs and medical freedom. In a press conference, he stated, “I told Floridians that we would protect their jobs and today we made that the law.”
DeSantis added, “Nobody should lose their job due to heavy-handed COVID mandates and we had a responsibility to protect the livelihoods of the people of Florida. I’m thankful to the Florida Legislature for joining me in standing up for freedom.”
While the Biden administration has continued to pursue ways of mandating the Covid-19 vaccines, Governor DeSantis and other Republican leaders have shown Americans that Republicans will not allow the Biden administration to pass tyrannical mandates without intense opposition. Republican lawmakers, like DeSantis, continue to fight for American freedoms and refuse to comply with the government’s unconstitutional overreach.