More lawmakers call for 50-state audit, decertification, and convening of the House to rectify 2020 election

by Ryan Meilstrup

Following Arizona’s recent audit that found thousands of voting irregularities, 186 state lawmakers from 39 states have signed a letter calling for a 50 state audit of the 2020 election.

They argued that if the audit finds evidence of fraud that could change the results of the 2020 election, then the House of Representatives must be convened to decide how to press forward.

Arizona state Rep. Wendy Rodgers tweeted, “186 Legislators from 39 States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives.”

In the letter signed by the 186 lawmakers to the American people, they wrote the following:

“We have come to the conclusion that all 50 states need to be forensically audited. Voter rolls should be scrubbed with a canvass of the voters to ensure the future integrity of our elections…We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately.”

The lawmakers called for drastic action to be taken if the results of the audit showed widespread fraud by convening the House of Representatives.

“If it is shown that either Joe Biden would receive fewer than 270 tallied electoral votes, or Donald Trumps would receive more than 270 electoral votes,” the letter reads, “then we call for the US House of Representatives to convene and vote per the US Constitution by means of one vote per state to decide the rightful winner of the election in accordance with the constitutional process of choosing electors.”

Citing the Maricopa County audit results as an example of potential fraud that could be found nationally, they write that, “It has come to our attention from an audit of 2.1 million ballots in Arizona complemented by an in-depth canvas of votes in Arizona, as well as through multiple different data reviews of voting by independent experts; that our representative republic suffered a corrupted 2020 election.”

The Arizona election audit that they are referring to found thousands of irregularities, including duplicate ballots, a chain of custody issues, failure to preserve data files, cybersecurity weaknesses, and ballot envelopes lacking signatures.

In response to the Arizona audit, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced, “I will take all necessary actions that are supported by the evidence and where I have legal authority. Arizonans deserve to have their votes accurately counted and protected.”

The movement is continuing to grow for a nationwide audit of the 2020 election. Whether these audits spark a 50-state audit remains an open question.

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