Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., joined by several other “America First” members of Congress, on Tuesday sent a powerful message to the Old Guard of the Republican Party that a new wave of Trump-backed conservatism is poised to gain power.
Standing alongside Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert during a press conference held in the U.S. House of Representatives, Gaetz warned the “Paul Ryans” and “Trey Gowdys” of the GOP that they embody a dying breed of do-nothing Republicanism that will not survive the 2022 midterm elections.
“We are going to take power after this next election,” said the Florida congressman at the televised conference pertaining to the state of the Jan. 6 prisoners who remain in confinement nearly one year later.
Gaetz ripped the FBI for refusing to give answers about the treatment of the Jan. 6 prisoners, particularly their cell conditions, and access to counsel, which is a Sixth Amendment right.
He warned it would be in the Democrats’ best interest to allow Republican oversight for the Jan. 6 prisoners because, in 2022, the RINOs will be unseated and replaced with a wave of America First lawmakers.
“When we do, it’s not going to be the days of Paul Ryan, and Trey Gowdy, and no real oversight, and no real subpoenas,” he continued. “It’s going to be the days of Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Dr. Gosar, and myself.”
The members of Congress Gaetz mentioned have been instrumental in standing up for our Constitutional rights, calling for action against federal overreach, pursuing election integrity, and advancing President Trump’s America First agenda.
Unlike RINOs, they will not settle for less than preserving the liberties and freedoms that belong to the American people. And they will not allow injustices to be inflicted on them due to political persecution.
If the midterm elections in 2022 follow the trend of the sweeping America First victories in November 2021, the new Republican Party will be a force to be reckoned with.