Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee write scathing letter to AT&T over OANN ban

by Timothy Frudd

Photo credit: Alamy

Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Mike Lee, R-Utah, sent a scathing letter to AT&T’s Board of Directors Tuesday, challenging their decision to drop One America News Network from DirecTV.

In their bold letter, Cruz and Lee explained, “We write to you with grave concern for the future of journalism and political discourse in America.”

The letter laid out six facts before questioning AT&T’s motivation for removing One America News Network. First, they wrote, “One America News Network (“OANN”) is being sued for alleged defamation by Dominion Voting Systems.” Dominion is currently suing OANN in response to the network questioning voter integrity in the 2020 presidential election.

Building upon this point, Cruz and Lee explained, “Dominion Voting Systems is owned by Staple Street Capital. William Kennard is on the executive board of Staple Street Capital. William Kennard is also the Chairman of AT&T’s board of directors.”

“AT&T owns 70% of DirectTV, and controls two seats on DirectTV’s board of directors,” they continued. “DirectTV has decided not to renew its contract with OANN.”

After presenting their claims, Cruz and Lee stated, “These facts raise serious questions about the role of political influence in DirectTV’s programming decisions as well as whether AT&T’s Chairman has allowed personal financial considerations to influence his oversight of a company in which AT&T holds a majority share-possibly in conflict with his fiduciary obligations to AT&T shareholders.”

The senators requested that AT&T respond to their email in 10 business days and answer the question: “Did any employee or agent of AT&T at any time convey or suggest to any employee or agent of DirectTV an instruction or request not to renew OANN?”

In January, DirecTV announced plans to drop One America News Network from their television network. Fox Business reported DirectTV’s decision would cause millions of Americans to lose access to the conservative news platform.

Trump recently urged Americans to protest AT&T’s decision, saying, “I believe the people of this Country should protest the decision to eliminate OAN, a very important voice.”

The letter sent by Cruz and Lee will almost certainly be brushed aside by the liberal company. AT&T has made it clear that biased news organizations like CNN are perfectly acceptable while conservative outlets like OANN present a threat.

Decisions like these show how the Fake News media continues to censor conservative voices by any means necessary. OANN has been a popular news organization that has attracted millions of American viewers. However, the liberal elite would rather silence conservative voices than allow Americans to choose what news station to watch.

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