Trump: Biden is ‘enriching his OWN family’ but ‘I care about enriching YOUR family’

by Summer Lane

President Donald Trump let loose on Thursday in Manchester, New Hampshire, scorching Joe Biden for his feckless leadership in the White House and highlighting the corruption of the current administration.

“Joe Biden cares only about enriching his own family,” Trump declared. “I care about enriching your family and YOU!”

He continued, “A Biden victory will be bad for you, good for China, and truly great for these globalists.”

The president touched on the trade deficit, international trade, the devastated current economy, and the brutal policies that have been burdening hardworking American citizens.

“A Trump victory…will be great for the hardworking people of New Hampshire,” he said.

President Trump noted that “the country needs rescuing,” aiming at settling “our unfinished business” in 2024 with a potential presidential victory.

He also promised to “gain total independence from China economically” and hold China “accountable for unleashing the China Virus upon the world.”

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