Sunday Devotional: God’s Word

by David Crum

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“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

Does the Bible provide all that’s necessary for salvation? This was perhaps the most significant motivating factor in the Reformation.

Luther maintained salvation was by grace and faith alone, echoing the teachings of the Apostle Paul.

Also, during the Reformation, reformers such as Luther, Melanchthon, and Calvin emphasized the “five solas”: Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Sola Fide (Faith alone), Sola Gratia (Grace alone), Solo Christus (Christ alone), and Soli Deo Gloria (glory to God alone).

The Reformation’s underlying principle was that the Scriptures were the foundational tenets of the Christian faith. The Bible contains all the necessary teachings to be saved, emphasizing salvation through Christ.

Once we analyze the five solas, we see the connection and brilliance of uniting the Bible to Christ’s teaching and the ultimate authority found in Him.

Church historian J.H. Merle D’ Aubigne taught of the Scripture’s power:

The Word of God is the only power that can subdue rebellion of our heart… No teaching of man will do it, not even that of your father or your mother. The teaching of the church and of the most beloved pastors will not do it, nor time-worn tradition, which is the teaching of the ages. To make the kingdom of God enter our hearts we need a battering-ram that can overthrow the strongest walls, and that ram is the Word of God.[i]

Luther himself often read the Bible three times a year. The Anglican bishop J.C. Ryle taught that three things will most likely secure a person to heaven if they maintain them their entire lives: prayer, church attendance and Bible reading. The emphasis was on a personal relationship with God.

The Word of God continues to be the best-selling book in the world and the only publication that genuinely transforms life.

Those who say God does not speak to His creation today must open their Bibles.

The Bible’s defense and its role in saving people are evident throughout history. Bible reading should be a daily ritual for all believers. We will only strengthen ourselves and those around us if we memorize and constantly share it.

The Bible teaches that salvation is based solely on faith and grace. Let us do our part to share the Good News with all who will hear. 

[i] J.H. Merle, D’ Aubigne, Let Christ be Magnified: Calvin’s Teaching for Today, (Edinburgh: Banner of Trust, 2007). 15

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