‘2000 Mules’ is #1 in documentaries on Amazon

by Summer Lane

Conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza’s hit documentary, “2000 Mules,” is back on Amazon and holding its No. 1 position among documentaries for sale on the corporate platform. According to D’Souza, viewers should order their copies “now and invite a Democrat over to see it.”

“2000 Mules” was released in May in select theaters nationwide and streamed online, garnering stellar reviews for its accumulated evidence of ballot trafficking during the 2020 presidential election.

The evidence presented in the film was provided by True the Vote, an election integrity organization that accrued data related to tracking ballot traffickers, or “mules,” during the 2020 presidential election in five key states: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona.

In August, D’Souza announced that the film held an audience rating of 100 percent from Rotten Tomatoes three months after its release, signaling its long-term popularity among viewers.

The ballot trafficking data in “2000 Mules” has prompted Republicans to dive deeper into the issue of election integrity and security. In July, several GOP representatives in Congress sent a letter to the chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., demanding an investigation into the evidence of ballot trafficking across five key swing states in 2020 during the presidential election.

“The GOP moves slowly,” D’Souza tweeted in July, “but it’s moving now. Wait and see what happens after the midterms when we take the House!”

In addition to D’Souza’s documentary, he has additionally been working on publishing a book that is set to detail the evidence of election fraud that is examined in the film. According to a report from Yahoo, the original publication date for the book was scheduled for August, but the release has been postponed to October.

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