Op-ed by Samantha Flom
Is God speaking to us about the midterm elections?
All signs point to yes after what occurred Saturday at two dueling Pennsylvania rallies.
While Dr. Mehmet Oz and Doug Mastriano, Pennsylvania’s Republican candidates for Senate and governor, were awaiting the arrival of President Donald J. Trump in Latrobe, Democrat Senate candidate and current Lieutenant Gov. John Fetterman was joined by Barack Obama for a get-out-the-vote rally ahead of Tuesday’s elections.
The winds were high that day, and in hindsight, that fact alone could be interpreted as a sign (the winds of change, perhaps?), but it was what happened when Fetterman took the stage that set social media ablaze with speculation about potential divine intervention.
“Today Dr. [Mehmet] Oz is going to be standing with Donald Trump on the stage,” Fetterman noted as he opened his remarks. “I am proud to be standing with a president that is 100 percent sedition-free.”
Following that remark, as if on cue, a gust of wind sent the row of American flags behind Fetterman tumbling to the ground.
Meanwhile, in Latrobe, attendees of Trump’s Save America rally were treated to a big, beautiful rainbow — biblically, a sign of God’s promise — directly overhead.
Naturally, the stark contrast in the symbolism of both events was not lost on social media users.
“Fetterman speaks and the American flags blow over,” one Twitter user noted. “Mastriano speaks and a rainbow appears. You can’t convince me God is not in control.”
Likewise, another person commented, “God doesn’t want the US flag to be associated with John Fetterman.”
Could they be right? Could it be that God, the ultimate purveyor of justice and truth, is setting the record straight as to where he stands on American politics and the future of the nation?
These are certainly not the first signs to suggest as much.
After all, Democrats have experienced a number of embarrassing falls over the past two years, most often taken by the current resident of the White House, Joe Biden.
For example, who can forget the image of Biden falling off of a stationary bike in Delaware? Or of him tripping up the stairs to Air Force One?
And that is not even to mention his ongoing battle with stages.
Those of a less spiritual or superstitious persuasion might write off all of those incidents as a combination of happenstance and cognitive decline. But personally, being a woman of faith, I have to believe there is something greater at work.
You see, the God I put my trust in, the God of the Bible, does not condone the slaughter of innocent children in the womb. The God of the Bible does not support the mutilation of children or those who seek to confuse them about how he formed them in the womb. And the God I serve recognizes only one truth — His.
Over the past two years, Americans have been subjected to one failure after another, from policy failures like inflation, the border crisis, and the Afghanistan exit to moral and democratic failures like the theft of the 2020 election.
But, in the words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.”
Call it divine intervention or whatever you will, but a repudiation is coming for Joe Biden, the Democrats, and their wicked, anti-God agenda this Election Day, and for many people around the country, that fall will be one worth celebrating.