Byron Donalds wows with fiery speech defending American values and sovereignty

by Jessica Marie Baumgartner

Photo: Alamy

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., opened CPAC as the first scheduled speaker on Thursday morning by dropping truth bombs about the state of the nation and issues with current leadership. 

He noted, “Joe Biden has been a disaster as president of the United States” citing the Biden administration’s commitment to lead NATO. He explained that America historically spearheaded NATO initiatives after WWII because so many European nations were rebuilding themselves in that era. 

Donalds also explained that this is no longer the case and NATO allies need to help do the work. He said, “If the world is actually gonna have security, then it can’t just be America scoring all the points.”

“The success of western democracy, the success of a western way of life, is predicated on all the nations who love freedom, and who pursue freedom for their people to do the heavy lifting together, not just relying on America to bear the burden alone,” he added. 

Donalds referenced the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks in Israel and pledged to stand with Israel in their quest to defend themselves. He also discussed how America is suffering due to a lack of proper protections at home. 

He spoke of rejecting the opposing extremes of isolationism and policing the world. Instead, he offered a clear strategy. The congressman said, “I’m not a forever war guy. Never have been. My position is very very simple. Go kill the enemy and come home.”

He noted, “If you’re gonna secure America you have to secure its borders.” Donalds went on to address the millions of illegal aliens who have entered the United States via the under-protected southern border. 

He called the Biden administration’s mishandling of the situation “insane” and offered a stronger position. He suggested that shutting down the government may be necessary but that elected officials need to face an ultimatum, “You either secure the border or you get no money from the government.”

The border crisis is the single most important issue that Donalds believes unites Americans. He referenced the countless military-aged men who are entering the United States at the southern border from various nations including China and Middle Eastern nations. 

He called out the “radical left” and their lack of support for America First principles. The congressman spoke of uniting against outside threats and his philosophy that supporting traditional American families breeds strength.

“I know firsthand hand, having two parents in the home is better than one,” he stated, recalling how being raised by a black single mother affected him. He noted how strong and tough women like his mother are, but also argued that children need a strong family to grow up and have a successful family that “breeds success” throughout America. 

He concluded, “The Chinese, Russians, and Iranians can’t stop Americans when we have strong families.”

Donalds explained that strong families prepare Americans for strong leadership, and then declared, “We have that leadership this November in Donald J. Trump.”

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